Harnett Central hosted Cleveland for a baseball scrimmage on Wednesday afternoon.
The nonconference opponents played eight innings with the Rams outscoring the Trojans, 9-2.
Central is scheduled to open its season at home against West Johnston on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m.
The Trojans were 8-13 overall and 7-7 in the Greater Neuse River 4-A Conference. With realignment, Central is competing in the Tri-County Six 3-A Conference this season.

Central first baseman Paul Gervase throws to first after fielding a bunt.
(Dunn Area Sports Photo/Al Myatt)

Trojans coach Lance Honeycutt watches as Zach Dixon takes a lead at third.
(Dunn Area Sports Photo/Al Myatt)

Former Campbell All-American second baseman Joe Baker is the grandfather of Harnett Central’s Baker Nelson, an N.C. State signee.
(Dunn Area Sports Photo/Al Myatt)

Jackson Yarbrough stands ready at the plate as the Cleveland catcher looks for the sign on a sunny afternoon at Central.
(Dunn Area Sports Photo/Al Myatt)

HC sophomore left-hander Jackson Jones strides into a delivery.
(Dunn Area Sports Photo/Al Myatt)