‘Super Dave’ among candidates for courage award

by | Jun 22, 2018 | Triton

Triton icon ‘Super Dave’ Coburn (Photo/HighSchool OT)

Triton High School assistant track coach Dave Coburn is a candidate for the Stuart Scott Courage Award to be awarded Saturday at the inaugural HighSchoolOT Honors event at Raleigh’s Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts.

Coburn is virtually blind.

Tickets are still available for the ESPYs-inspired event which will be hosted by WRAL TV’s Jeff Gravley and HighSchoolOT’s Nick Stevens. Carolina Panthers linebacker Thomas Davis will join Gravley and Stevens on-stage for a question and answer period.

Awards will be presented in 23 sports plus the Stuart Scott Courage Award, Coaches of the Year, Athletes of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award and more.

There’s more on Coburn at https://www.highschoolot.com/-super-dave-hopes-to-instruct-inspire-at-triton-high/17641211/ (Copy and paste link in browser)

Ceremonies start on Saturday at 6 p.m. following “red carpet” arrivals at 5 p.m.


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